Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique LFET
Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique also commonly referred as LFET is one of the electromagnetic testing methods utilized effectively for the inspection and assessment of Boiler Wall tubes. A low frequency electromagnetic field in induced into the boiler wall tube material using an external horseshoe shaped electromagnet. Any flaw in the path of the magnetic field distorts the magnetic flux which is detected by the array of sensors. The severity of a discontinuity is measured by analyzing a Phase / Amplitude plane graph with the aid of a custom purpose software.
- Visual testing (VT)
- Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT)
- Magnetic particle testing (MPT)
- Eddy current testing (ET)
- Radiographic testing method (RT)
- Ultrasonic testing (UT)
- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
- Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
- Positive Material Identification (PMI)
- Hardness Testing (HT)
- Vacuum Box Testing (VB)
- Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique (LFET)