Liquid Penetrant TestingLPT
This is a method that can be employed for the detection of surface-breaking defects in any industrial product made from a non-porous material. This method is widely used for testing of non-magnetic materials. In this method, a liquid penetrant is applied to the surface of the product for a certain predetermined time, after which the excess penetrant is removed from the surface. The surface is then dried and a developer is applied to it. The penetrant which remains in the defect is absorbed by the developer to indicate the presence as well as the location, size and nature of the defect.
- Visual testing (VT)
- Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT)
- Magnetic particle testing (MPT)
- Eddy current testing (ET)
- Radiographic testing method (RT)
- Ultrasonic testing (UT)
- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
- Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
- Positive Material Identification (PMI)
- Hardness Testing (HT)
- Vacuum Box Testing (VB)
- Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique (LFET)